Monday, October 13, 2008

Your Name - Blessing or Curse? Part 3

What's in a name????? I'm not sure what the motivation was for your being given the name you were given. I can only speak for me, and the impact that it has had.

I think you'll need to read parts 1 and 2 to receive the full benefit of this response as to whether your name has been a blessing or a curse. There are many ways to break curses, but for me it started with just a different PERSPECTIVE. God blessed me with HIS eyes to see.

First of all, in the choosing of my name. - Yes, the standard was set, but what I had forgotten about was God's GRACE. Seemingly unattainable goals can bring serious pressure if you are not taking into account the Grace of God. Grace becomes the burden-free encourager. Would I have liked to have been that perfect well-rounded student that my Mom was so fond of? Of course. But, could I accept my flaws...and the possibility that I may never reach that lofty goal??? Only by the Grace of God!!!

As for Beautiful Stranger......................God changed my perspective there as well. He showed me that my Spirit was beautiful because He had placed the beauty of His Holiness within me, and that I was not of this world. I was of the Spiritual Kingdom which He had planned for me to live in. Therefore, to this realm....I WAS a stranger. How Wonderful!!!!! I never thought I could delight in being strange, or even a stranger. But, in Him, I am. And that's OK!!

So.....................what about YOUR name. Could there be attachments there as well??? The love of God is continually encouraging our hearts to be free. Do you desire freedom enough to let God shine His Light in that area? For was well worth the time and attention. I pray that you will, too. You just might discover something very special that you didn't even know.

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