Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Do You See What I See ?
Monday, October 13, 2008
Your Name - Blessing or Curse? Part 3
What's in a name????? I'm not sure what the motivation was for your being given the name you were given. I can only speak for me, and the impact that it has had.
I think you'll need to read parts 1 and 2 to receive the full benefit of this response as to whether your name has been a blessing or a curse. There are many ways to break curses, but for me it started with just a different PERSPECTIVE. God blessed me with HIS eyes to see.
First of all, in the choosing of my name. - Yes, the standard was set, but what I had forgotten about was God's GRACE. Seemingly unattainable goals can bring serious pressure if you are not taking into account the Grace of God. Grace becomes the burden-free encourager. Would I have liked to have been that perfect well-rounded student that my Mom was so fond of? Of course. But, could I accept my flaws...and the possibility that I may never reach that lofty goal??? Only by the Grace of God!!!
As for Beautiful Stranger......................God changed my perspective there as well. He showed me that my Spirit was beautiful because He had placed the beauty of His Holiness within me, and that I was not of this world. I was of the Spiritual Kingdom which He had planned for me to live in. Therefore, to this realm....I WAS a stranger. How Wonderful!!!!! I never thought I could delight in being strange, or even a stranger. But, in Him, I am. And that's OK!!
So.....................what about YOUR name. Could there be attachments there as well??? The love of God is continually encouraging our hearts to be free. Do you desire freedom enough to let God shine His Light in that area? For was well worth the time and attention. I pray that you will, too. You just might discover something very special that you didn't even know.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
God...................Is That YOU?????
Shhhhhh.................I think I heard something!!!! Have you ever been caught off guard by a sense that someone is wanting to get your attention. Ways such as actually hearing a voice call your name........ When no one was around; feeling like something or someone brushed up against you.......when no one was around?? Well, if that's're not alone. Remember.......the Kingdom of God is Spirit, and scripture is filled with numerous occasions of Divine Encounters. Maybe you have spoken to people who have had Divine Encounters and wondered why you haven't??? Put your heart to rest. Let me share..............I cannot even count the number of encounters I've had. But, what I do know is that there was always a Holy reason for them. God is NO respecter of persons. If you have had one, then God was answering a heart cry in a way that would minister to you the best. And..............God is the best judge of that. We do not control the Spirit realm. He does. All He asks of us is to have a surrendered will, and let His will be done.......on earth as it is in heaven. And guess what?????????????? Heaven is alive!!! Let God touch you His way. Be open to His Divine Intervention and be Blessed!!!!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Be Yourself!!! It's easier said than done!!
BE YOURSELF!!!!! Yes, it's much easier said than done for a lot of us. When you've been spoken against for who you are, mocked for who you are, belittled for who you are,'s just not that easy to rise above and be free. Any words that are spoken contrary to God's opinion of you are considered a curse. We are either blessing(releasing God's heart) from the Spirit, or cursing(releasing our own fears and insecurities)which is from our own wounded soul. Both will have a powerful result.
God wants us all to be blessed and free in our hearts. He really loves us and wants us to see what He sees.
I pray that you will all come to know His truth about who you are, about how He wired you, and what HE thinks of you. Ask Him to show you and give you the strength to walk boldly, the humility to forgive freely, and the desire to love deeply.
It's God's Season For Harvesting Hearts - Be Blessed!!!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Little Me
I haven't forgotten about Part 3 of Your Name............just thought that this was needful right about now.
More freedom, Lord!!! More freedom!!!!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Your Name - Blessing or Curse? Part 2
For as long as I can remember, I never felt like I belonged to this world. Spooky, right??? Not really. I was one who saw things other people didn't see......felt things other people didn't feel..............and knew things other people didn't know. People just thought that I had a vivid imagination, which frustrated my heart like you can't even imagine. Not being taken seriously, or not being believed, to me was a curse. I deeply wanted to connect, yet I always felt alone, especially in the ways that mattered most to me.
Which brings me to Beautiful Stranger. The beautiful part, well that's another issue altogether. No, I went straight to "Stranger". My need to be accepted screamed at the thought of being a "Stranger" I wanted to be loved and accepted, and who gets close to strangers, or people who are strange, right??
As the years went by, I did realize, however, that there were others just like me. How did I know that? When I was brave enough to share, I could hear the unspoken responses, such as....."Oh My Gosh, she's just like me." Or, " What a fruitcake!!!!" As I grew in sensitivity, I would just be able to stand next to someone and know. It's something that says," You are...or you're not".
I realized that the real way to know someone was by the spirit. Their words and body language only reveal the condition of their hearts at that moment, but the touching of the spirit gives you the true essence of who they are. That's what God sees, and that's where He does His eternal work in YOU!!
I'll let you ponder that until tomorrow when I continue my story. In the meantime.......maybe you'll discover something about yourself. That's the specialness of the journey.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Your Name - Blessing or Curse? Part 1
It seemed as though every time I'd hear my name, I'd cringe. WHY? What's wrong with the name Barbara anyway?
Back in the 50's and 60's it was common....even popular actually. There were songs written with my name right in the title. Songs like 'Barbara Ann'(very famous) and 'Please Don't Ask About Barbara'. Anyone remember those? My closest friends would sometimes call me Barbie...partly because I looked like her, but mostly because I was BLOND, if you know what I mean. Very smart, very talented...... but very BLOND. I have some great blond moments that I'll share later. You'll have a good laugh, I'm sure.
Now back to my emotional trauma. I remember the day I told my Mother about the feelings I had concerning my name... and there it was, the answer I was looking for, staring me right in the heart. And oh, did it hurt.
So, there it was. High expectations, that I never felt I measured up to, and a pattern in my life that lasted way into my adult years. So, what would be the catalyst that would break the cycle of performance and the curse that was attached to my name? And, what would give me the freedom to be the Barbara that I was created to be?