Sunday, November 16, 2008

Where Did You Put Your Hope????

Now you see it....................Now you don't!!! It can come and go just that quickly. Can't it? Even when we remember where we put it, we come to realize that we just might have put it in the wrong place.

That's been the great tragedy in my life....... Misplaced hope. I can't even begin to tell you how many times I placed my hope in temporal things such as relationships, circumstances, and most of all....what other people say, or don't say.

Misplaced hope then creates an even greater dilemma called discouragement. Ever heard of it??? Our misplaced hopes go up............then come crashing down causing us to loose heart. The Bible says that ....Hope deferred makes the heart sick.

The quite simple actually. Put your hope in the Lord. People will fail you, circumstances change continually, and most of all we were not created to be for each other what only God can be for us. Temporal things are just today and gone tomorrow. If we could capture that truth early on in life, oh how much healthier our hearts would be. Right???

So, what does it take to learn??? In my case, unfortunately, it's taken years of disappointment. And still............ I find myself slipping into that same old rut. The Good News, however, is that Our Gracious loving Lord is always there to receive our hope, when we're ready and willing to place it in His hands. Unlike us, or things that come our way, He never changes, He never fails, and He is always there.


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